My Pledges

Sophia's Promises To You

Successive Labour and Tory Governments have failed to Invest properly in the NHS, neglecting the funding needed to maintain its status as a leading healthcare provider. I will Prioritise this issue, campaigning hard against cuts and privatisation.

Our streets are riddled with crime and Anti-Social Behaviour but itdoesn’t have to be like this. I pledge to campaign for more police officers on our streets to tackle Anti-Social Behaviour and provide better protection for victims and communities.

Life has been very hard for the past 3 years. Privatisation that started under Thatcher and continued under Labour failed us. We must nationalise our utilities and bring price controls on basic goods.

Our streets are filthy. It’s due to waste and mismanagement by the Government and Labour run Newham Council. I'll fight for more funding to clean them up so we can be proud of our area again.

Housing is a human right, yet so many in Newham are living in Temporary Accommodation or struggling to pay rent in the private sector. I'll push for a massive housebuilding plan with local control to fix this crisis.continued under Labour failed us. We must nationalise our utilities and bring price controls on basic goods.

Quality education should not be limited to those who can afford it. While standards have improved in Newham, more progress is needed. I will advocate for empowering schools to improve without bureaucratic interference.